2) Yesterday when I got back from class I wanted to be an industrious housewife. I decided to surprise my husband. What would surprise him most? Me cooking, I thought. So I baked him chocolate chip cookies! I looked up his favorite recipe and put all the ingredients together, dragged out the mixer from the shelf, and... the mixer died. Do you know how hard it is to mix cookie dough by hand? Well, I was determined, so I did it. But then the cookies didn't come out right. They were only okay, not the way they usually taste when he makes them. When I asked Jonathan, we realized what had happened. Whenever he makes cookies he alters the written recipe, changing the amounts of sugar and butter, but he had never written it down!!! The nerve. Here I was actually following the recipe, to my ultimate detriment. But he professed to love the cookies anyway, and I was mollified.
3) Last weekend, before the cookie escapade, Jonathan went to the Detroit Auto Show. A few days ago he downloaded the pictures of all the cars. I have since looked at them all. There were a lot of cars. They were not all fascinating. This proves how much I love him. Though to be fair, I know how much he loves me because even though he was in the car for ten hours that day, he did a load of diapers when he came home, and still put the baby to bed.
4) Months ago, I was asked to officiate at a Bar Mitzvah on Labor Day weekend. A few weeks ago I was asked to officiate at a wedding on guess when, Labor Day weekend. I had to say no. And now? A friend of mine told me to mark my calendar, she's getting married on.. yep, Labor Day weekend. How is it that I'm triple-booked nine months in advance?!
5) I asked my mother when I started teething. She couldn't remember, she said. "But seeing as we [she and my father] took pictures of you every other second, I can look back at the albums and I'll bet I can track it." I would have laughed, but I understand her. Jonathan and I are the exact same way.
With that said, here are some more baby pictures. :)

Playing with his Skwish toy.
Lunchtime fun with Sarah
I go crazy when I hear that sweet boy laugh! Such unadulterated happiness.
Love you all,
He smiles and laughs so easily!
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