Alexander was born at home on Tuesday, October 7, 2008 at 9:07am. He weighed 6lbs, 11oz and was 19” long. He has wavy dark brown hair, blond eyebrows, long, thin fingers and huge feet!
It was a short seven hour labor and Alexander entered the world calmly with his eyes open, alert, and looking around. He only cries when he’s hungry or uncomfortable. Other than that, Alexander is easy-going and good natured. He loves when any of us sing to him and adores being swaddled.

I am in love with Alexander! What beautiful eyes and such a composed look. He looks like a thinker, a future professor to me :) I think he is favoring Jonathan at this point, but they change so quickly when they're babies. What do you all think?
Awwwwwwwwww! What a happy break fast surprise!! Congratulations, and let me know when and where for the bris...I'll be in town!! Thanks for that :)
Mazal Tov! He's a cutie. Yashar Koach to the new mommy and daddy!
Beautiful! Congrats.
Congratulations! I wish that I had seven hour labors! I am on baby number 5 and I have not had a labor shorter than 18 hours. Maybe this time will be my chance. He looks so distinguished and yet cute at the same time because he is a baby. Enjoy it all.
- Terry and Emalee Z.
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