My laptop is half-finished. Jonathan's completely reformatted it, and now we're in the process of downloading things and moving over all my files. We've been doing it piecemeal, but I'm hopeful that by Wednesday I'll be completely set up.
We went to a poetry reading at a local coffeehouse the other night with Sarah and Chris. And pregnancy struck again - I got so hot with all those people crammed in, we had to leave after only a half hour. And I had liked the poetry, too. In other pregnancy news, Ari made Jonathan and I steak and eggs last night, and I ate more than both men combined. Then tonight I had double meat on my Jersey Mike reuben sandwich. Wiggly apparently will not be a vegetarian.
Speaking of Wiggly, we bought a glider last night! It looks almost like this, with blue cushions but with slightly different arms:

We got it on Craigslist, of course, and it even came with a back massage pad. The rocker and ottoman glide beautifully, and I practiced getting in and out of it with my hands full. I think it'll be great for the baby. And if God forbid something happens, then I like rocking in it anyway. Right now whenever I sit in it, I swish. You know when you drink a lot of water and you can feel yourself gurgle? That's what it's like. And then I feel a kick and am quickly reminded that no, there's more than just water in there!
Today was Shavuot, so I had the day off work. And a good thing too - I slept through half of it and used the rest of it to do house errands I'd been putting off (e.g. paying bills, organizing paperwork, calling the insurance company, laundry, etc). But it was still really relaxing, just sitting in my chair and talking on the phone and filing and petting the cat. I like days like this, where there are no expectations on me and I have nothing I *have* to do. Because of aforementioned nothing to do, I've also been able to make a dent in my fun books recently - this morning I finished Duchess: A Novel of Sarah Churchill by Susan Holloway Scott, and the day before that was Moloka'i by Alan Brennert. I liked Moloka'i, about the Hawaiian leper colony in the 1890s, much more so than Duchess. I think I mainly just didn't like the historical character of Sarah Churchill - she was so conniving in her relationship to Queen Anne (sister of Mary, as in William and Mary) that I couldn't relate. Moloka'i on the other hand was fascinating, and I learned loads about Hawaiian culture and history.
By the way, as a complete and total aside, the older I get the more I realize that my childhood was odd. I wasn't into cartoons, and whatever I did watch was pretty gendered. I know this because earlier Jonathan and I were playing a guessing game where he played all of these old theme songs and I guessed what they were. I got ones like Inspector Gadget, Get Smart, Pink Panther, and She-Ra/He-Man, but I had absolutely no idea on GI Joe, Thundercats, Felix the Cat, Transformers, Voltron, and more. Some of them were just before my time, like Greatest American Hero and Magnum P.I. I felt totally redeemed though when I only needed two bars to identify Cheers and X-Files!
Night all!
(edit) Now Jonathan's onto theme songs. So far I've missed Pulp Fiction but got Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings. Fantasy over violence any day!
As someone from Utah, I think that tutors having to drive to the students' homes is odd. Whenever I took lessons as a child, my mother had to deposit me there and pick me up after the allotted time. I think OH is odd in this regard.
My cool!Aunt Leah had a similar story about pregnancy. She had been a vegetarian for years before they decided to have kids (3 boys, btw) and while she was pregnant with her first, she craved meat terribly... and she decided that if that's what the baby wants, then that's what the baby is gonna get. She has eaten meat ever since!
I love the theme song game... I am especially good at 90's tween stuff like "Small Wonder," "90210," and "Saved by the Bell." However, I'm with you on Jonathan's picks. I would get "Inspector Gadget," "Pink Panther," "She-Ra" and "Transformers." BUT I have never even seen GI Joe, Thundercats, Felix the Cat, Voltron, or Greatest American Hero.
Cheers to "Cheers" and "X-Files" though!
Chana told me that when she was pregnant with Sara Rose she couldn't get enough meat or cheese in the last tri-mester and that the baby arrived at 12.1 lbs. But everyone is different so be healthy, eat healthy (which I know
you are) and take care of YOU!
Love you,
Well, I for one live in CA, and my hebrew tutors always came to me... but then again. maybe thats just the ortho. community, and not the rest of the "real world" lol
Becca and Mom, yay for eating healthy and whatever I want!
Becca, wow, I had completely forgotten that "Small Wonder" existed! I couldn't identify the song if it jumped up and bit me, though.
And Chana, yeah, maybe it *is* the Orthodox community. Cuz I know you met your Bat Mitzvah tutor at the temple. :)
I know several tutors in the reform community who go to people's homes. They're usually the 'new' tutors and, I believe, feel they must go to their clients in order to get or keep their business. My students have always come to me, whether our sessions are at my house or at the temple. Only one time did I make an exception and that was a long time ago. The mom had 6 kids and we could never find a schedule that worked for her and her schlepping schedule! It was a terrible mistake going there. Between the phones and the was a pretty busy household. Frustrating for both me and the kid! Now, all my students come to me (kids and adults) and if, for some reason, I HAVE to go to them, I charge them (at the same rate for my teaching) for my travel time. When they find that out, they miraculously find a way to get them here! :)
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