Simcha had a grand adventure this afternoon. I opened the front door to come in and he leapt right over my bag to head for the great outdoors. I cornered him in the crawlspace underneath the house... not my idea of a good time, but he was thrilled. Now he's sitting on the top of the couch next to the open window, meowing and talking up a storm.
Yesterday was the longest day ever: class, class, cantillation final, home for an hour, pay bills, then evening class from 7-10pm. Ugh. But when I got home Jonathan and I talked seriously about selling his motorcycle and buying a car: we're test-driving a few this weekend to decide what to buy. It's been a year, and this one-car thing is really starting to grate. Getting one is long overdue, and I'm looking forward to it. Now if only Jonathan and I can agree on what to buy... :)
And finally, the contents of Savta's package. She knows how to pack it in! (note the most important part in the background, i.e. the pickles.)
Congrats on the end of classes! How did your chanting final go? I'm sorry we didn't have time to chant together while I was there. Where the time went, I'll never know! I know you'll do well on all the papers you have to write. Just take a deep breath and move forward!
Great idea about another car. And, Jonathan, I'm very proud of you for even considering getting rid of the bike. Well, Michal too. I know how much you BOTH enjoy it.
Also, thanks Mom (Savta) for the kitchen mitts you sent Michal. They were more my style so they are now gracing MY kitchen. :-) Also, I wanted to ask, Savta, what is that heavy metal thing that has what looks like 2 places for candles? Is it a candle holder? There is a slot next to it that makes it look like a mini napkin holder so I was confused.
Love you both,
It went well! I think. It's hard to tell with her. If you want I can chant for you over the phone... I ended up doing a portion from Micah because the hardest trope mark was a tlisha katana. :)
you're done with school already?! wow..time sure flies! we have another 8 weeks until our Chinese studies are complete for the semester. I hope you and Jonathan decide on what car to buy! Keep me posted :) xo
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