We talked so much we didn't end up taking pictures! Here is the only one, and it's bad, but Savta, I know you'd never forgive me if I didn't have one up. :)
And yes, Gregory is absolutely ADORABLE. He came to school with us and was very popular. Even the cats warmed up to him - they were wary at first (the new spy! he crawls but meows oddly! oh no!) but near the end they paid him lots of attention, especially when Gregory discovered that they could play together. Like so:

After Holly left I had a major midterm cramming session. They went well, I think. It's hard to judge. I have one more test on Wednesday, then we're done, aside from a few things due before Passover.
Jonathan is recovering from his pneumonia, thanks to hefty antiobiotics. We're in the midst of a major snowstorm here, and I got mad when he went out to shovel the walk. Men! (Though I will admit, it made life easier today getting in and out of the house with a foot of snow.)
Jonathan is recovering from his pneumonia, thanks to hefty antiobiotics. We're in the midst of a major snowstorm here, and I got mad when he went out to shovel the walk. Men! (Though I will admit, it made life easier today getting in and out of the house with a foot of snow.)
Oh - it sounds miserable. I do NOT miss the snow! I hope Jonathan feels better soon and that you both keeping warm and dry.
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