Yesterday we went and got FURNITURE!! Thanks to my father's generous gift, we are now the proud owners of a double bed (for our guest room), a desk for Jonathan, a dining room table, a china cabinet, and an extra bookshelf. And if I may say so myself, we got them at a steal. As a treat to ourselves afterwards we got this globe for $40. Both of us have always wanted one.
We woke up this morning all set to go back to school/work and lo and behold, it was snowing! Seriously snowing. (At least for me. Anyone back east, skip this paragraph). There are two inches of snow on the ground, and it's 9 degrees out. According to, it feels like -5.
I never really believed people when I heard the "every snowflake is unique" schpiel. Even in third grade when they had us make paper snowflakes for the first time, I remember thinking, "but it's just white stuff!" Then we got in the car.
What fun! I never get tired of watching Simcha toy with the mouse. He's really GOOD!!!!! I love that "Replay" feature!
Yer Savta, who when she comes to visit, it will only be in summer!!!
You would love it in person, Savta. By the way... we're toying with the idea of keeping the guest room cat-free. We also bathe them monthly and I brush them every Shabbat, so when you visit maybe you can stay with us!
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