- My Wednesday Torah trope study group with Maura and Karen. We sang so badly it became funny.
- Holding Simcha upside down and carrying him to the bathroom to be brushed, with him still trying to bat at his toy along the way.
- Giving out candy to our one lone trick-or-treater, then offering the rest of it to everyone else we know.
- Leading my first morning services at school and not messing up too badly.
- Taking an online "what superhero are you" test, and being told that I'm half- Princess Leia, half-Wonder Woman. Hee.
- Last Sunday's 3rd grade lesson on Ruth and Naomi. For one part of it I covered a sheet with all the crayons in the Sunday school and labeled it "Boaz's field." Then the kids "reaped" the field, leaving the edges for the poor. They really got into it.
- Jonathan's work starting a "Giving Campaign," where they match people's contributions to charity 100%. We're donating part of each paycheck to a no-kill animal shelter.
- Being told that our Rabbinics midterms would be handed back by appointment only, because the learning was what important, not the grade, and the professor wants everybody to have a chance to explain what they got out of the questions.
- Glenna writing a really powerful article for her newspaper, and feeling like "I knew her when."
- Catching my sister online and having a good one-hour webcam session. We usually never get it together enough to webcam, because she's on the army base or the times don't work out.
- Pumpkin pie ice cream and UDF having a "$6 for 2 half-gallons" ice cream sale (United Dairy Farmers, think Thrifty's).
- Fall leaves on trees in Indiana. The leaves on the maple trees turn a Crayola sunshine yellow. It's gorgeous.
- Having it be past our self-imposed limit of November 1st, so tonight for the first time turning on our heat.
- Last but not least, going to my pulpit this weekend and having a congregant tell me that if I was a stock or bond, he'd invest in me. One of the oddest, but coolest, compliments I've ever received.
I'm glad I'm among your highlights!!
Sorry I've been so MIA, not much internet near the border with Congo... will figure out my USA dates for decemeber within the week... chat sometime???
Lots of Love,
Yes yes, must chat. And sigh, I probably won't go to CA at this point... let's chat for sure.
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