Bad thing: It just wasn't like home. The Faire here is more of a shopping extravaganza. There are no guilds, no people who work the booths wandering around in garb. It's very kid- and family-focused, so lots of carnival games and mazes but no risque shows (no risque period... one woman was wearing a shirt that said Abortion is Murder).
Ohio Festival has more shops than Southern CA Faire (and more than Northern Faires too, according to Jonathan), but not as much to do (e.g. no fencing booth, no man sandpainting, etc). Because of more lenient Ohio laws, and the culture here, there were three times as many weapons booths as at home. And the historicity was a bit loose; 16th-century garb was sold next to Gypsy outfits and pirate hats. I was also disappointed by the lack of Scottishness: no one spoke in brogue, and they had camel rides. (I'm still trying to figure out what camels had to do with Great Britain.)
Bad thing: There's been a drought in Ohio, so everyone keeps saying that fall is so boring this year, and that nothing changes color.
Good thing: I haven't noticed. I was reared in Los Angeles and Tel Aviv, two deserts. I think it's gorgeous, and can only imagine next year.
Good thing: Today at the end of Sunday school, one boisterous 3rd-grader said, "Aww, is it time to go already?" Another one invited me to the football game to see her cheer this afternoon.
Bad thing: A second boy was completely bored throughout class, no matter what we were doing. He's also been absent twice (out of 5 sessions) due to football. Guess I can't win them all.
Good thing: Package from Savta! Halloween candy from Jan!
Bad thing: Halloween candy is fattening.

Good thing: I'm now completely caught up in my reading for every class. And Maura came over and we actually had fun studying for a quiz.
Bad thing: Said quiz is tomorrow at 8am. Sigh. And so the week begins...
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