One, I got a phone call from Rebecca, my co-rabbinic student from Jerusalem who’s studying in LA. She was at a Temple Israel event! I talked to her, Rabbi Moskowitz, my mom, Chana, and felt SOOO much better afterwards, I can’t even tell you.
Two, Jonathan and I went to dinner tonight with one of his coworkers and his wife. They took us to a quaint little area with shops and restaurants, and then we browsed around. I feel like I got to know the city a bit more, as well as making new friends.
In other news, this week I met with the educator at the temple I’ll be working at, and I’m now sufficiently intimidated. I’ll be teaching 3rd grade on Sundays, about the 10 Commandments and prophets. On Tuesdays I’ll teach 4th/5th grade Hebrew. She wants regular lesson plans a week ahead of time, for both classes… yikes! I’m going to have to get a bit more organized.
Our duplex is now fully set up, and this past Friday was the first time in the history of my and Jonathan’s marriage that we got to have a full-on Shabbat with all the Jewish trappings. As in, I pulled out the white tablecloth we got at our wedding, covered the challah with the challah cover, laid out the kiddish cup and candlesticks, and actually
(Okay, so to be totally completely honest, I prepared a salad for myself, and heated up frozen samosas with some rice and curry/chicken tikka masala leftovers for him, but it still worked.)
As you know I’m a big Israeli salad fan, but I went out on a limb and managed to recreate my favorite one that I ate in Greece:
I was able to make it so easily because of my new joy of a cutting board. It has this wire mesh basket on one end, so you can scrape cuttings to the basket and they don’t fall in the sink. It’s also a great space saver, because you chop over the sink itself and still have room on the counters to do other things.
Oh yes, and one more thing. Perhaps one of the contributing factors to my depression was the overwhelming heat.
Between that cutting board and that salad, I'm ready to get on a plane right now to Cincity!!!! (I'm feeling the lonesomeness that you experienced before the home-base phone call....) Shabbat Shalom!
Yer Savta
Hey, THAT'S COOKING in my book! The salad looks beautiful and sounds delicious (for normal people; not me) and I bet you and Jonathan both loved it! And that cutting board is a great idea but I suppose it means one must have a clear sink in order to use it, huh? That might present a challenge in this household.
The boys look adorable. I do miss them filling up both Bev's sinks.
I loved talking with you too, honey. It just made the event for me and, I have to tell you, I love teaching in front of your friends. So many of them have told me they remind me of YOU when you teach! It always makes me feel good.
I love and miss you both!
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