Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Midway through the first week
The Biblical Grammar prof is a grad student who got into languages because she plays piano. We ask so many grammar-ignorant questions that we're already behind in the syllabus (after two days), but she laughs and likes us anyway.
My history prof is the only ordained rabbi who has a full professorial chair in the New Testament. He was one of seven people to read the screenplay of The Passion of the Christ before it came out. After he wrote his critique, Mel Gibson promptly sued him. (The suit was later dropped).
The woman who teaches Hebrew literature is reminiscent of every other English professor I've ever had. That will be the easiest, most familiar class, if anything because we started it off by discussing the definition of "canon."
My Rabbinics/Mishnah class is at 8am, so even though the history part looks interesting, it's early in the morning. And there's lots of primary Hebrew text. That's all I have to say about that.
I also have the PDE classes (Professional Development) of Education (how to be an effective teacher) and Life Cycles (mentioned previously with the current work on funerals).
All in all, my classmates are nice, the teachers are fun, and the work doesn't seem so overwhelming. I'm really excited!
Monday, August 27, 2007
Why my husband rocks, part umpteenth
"I just went into the restroom and there is pee sprinkled all around the urinal. It's disgusting! I mean, it's a really big target at point blank range, how can you screw up nailing it? I am going to drill in our boys a little poem to help them be considerate.
If you miss when you piss
be a man and clean the can.
Nothing like a rhyme to make things memorable."
One, I feel lucky to be married to someone hygenic. Two, I feel lucky to be a woman! Our restrooms don't tend to have these problems...
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Jonathan says I'm twisted
I love it.
I think the "twisted" comment came up though when I was reading some of it aloud, and he said that I had way too much glee in my voice. Which I was, which in truth probably wasn't very suited to the occasion... but I'm finally learning what I came to rabbinic school for! It's exciting.
And just to share something that I thought was fascinating, this is from page 18 of Maurice Lamm's The Jewish Way in Death and Mourning. This excerpt discusses why Judaism is against embalming.
"The art of the embalmer is the art of complete denial. Embalming seeks to create an illusion, and to the extent that it succeeds, it only hinders the mourner from recovering from his grief. It is, on the contrary, an extreme dishonor to disturb the peace in which a person should be permitted to rest eternally.
"It is indeed paradoxical that Western man, nourished on the Christian concept of the sinfulness of the body, which is considered the prison of the soul, should, in death, seek to adorn it and make it beautiful. Surely, the emphasis on the body in the funeral service serves to weaken the spiritual primacy and traditional religious emphasis on the soul."
I wonder; what does Judaism explicitly say about the relationship between the body and the soul? It wasn't in any of our literature. If a loved one dies and we think the soul is gone, then why does it matter what happens to the corporeal form? It's not the person anyway. And if the body and the soul are intertwined, as this passage implies, then I don't understand why it makes a difference. One respects the soul by the eulogy, prayers, etc. And one respects the body by treating it with care, which some can argue is embalming. I personally happen to agree with Lamm's assertions; I just feel that there are a few steps missing in how he got there.
Thoughts, comments? I'm interested. I'd write more, but it's way past my bedtime.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Our mighty hunters

Friday, August 24, 2007
Every evening we had social programs, as well: dinner at the Dean's house, BBQ with the rabbinical and graduate students, pizza at a nice restaurant, and schmoozing with everyone.
One great thing to note: last year, before HUC officially started, Jonathan and I went on an archeological dig to Tel Dan. We made friends with an HUC Cincinnati Ancient Near East grad student who was on the dig for the experience. Lo and behold, who do we see at the BBQ but this same grad student and his wife! We talk a bit, and then tell them the area where we live. They say, oh, cool, we just moved from there. We tell them the specific area where we live. They say, cool, we were there too. We tell them the street where we live. They say, huh, is it house number X? We say yes, how did you know that? They laughed, and said, because we just moved out of there last month! They then proceeded to tell us all about our landlord. Apparently they moved out because it was too small after the recent birth of their second baby. Otherwise, they loved it. We promised to invite them over to Shabbat dinner soon so they can see what we've done with the furniture. :)
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Picnics and prayerbooks
I start school tomorrow, yay! I’ve got the back-to-school itch. They’ve got us booked pretty solid this week, with dinners and BBQs and lunches and too many seminars and High Holy Day prep sessions to count (which is a good thing, as I need all the help I can get!). Jonathan’s going to get to work early so he can leave a bit before 5, and come to all the evening events with me.
Today was the "Shalom Cincy Newcomer’s Picnic," put on by the local Jewish Federation. We schmoozed, ate hot dogs, and met lots of new people. Then we did a very new-age couple-y thing: Carri, Scott, the baby and myself and Jonathan all went shopping together! We hit Costco, Target, Petsmart, and Michael’s, then treated ourselves to bagels at Marx Bagels. I love the suburbs; all the shops are in one area.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Musings from a city girl
Monday, August 13, 2007
The joy of stress-free weekends
- Joined Netflix, yay! Finally saw Y Tu Mama Tambien. Again good, but definitely not what I was expecting.
- My new fun book is Sex in History, by Reay Tannahill. It's a history book, textbook-like in parts, that covers the subject chronologically - I finished "Prehistoric World" and have now moved onto "Egypt, Ancient Near East, and Early Greece." It's fun; next I want to read her other book, Food in History.
- Still can't blow the shofar beyond a few sad little pbbbtthhhs. (And because I take no chances after last year's post... if that sounds dirty, read about shofars here)
- Learned disappointing lesson of the week: No matter how much time you spend in pajamas, there's always laundry to be done. Sigh.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Packages and shipments
The "few other things" arrived today. It wasn't a package - it was a 30-lb shipment! In it was everything from household items to Judaica to school supplies to tools. The list includes but is not limited to:
a wall clock with Hebrew letters as numbers
3 white tablecloths
matzah and challah covers
a mezuzah
kippot (plural of kippah)
traveling candlesticks
multiple organizing trays
3 packages of Israeli candy bars
a loofah and lotion and extra toothpaste
packing tape
a pencil sharpener, pencils, highlighters, and colored pens
a set of pots and pans
a staple gun
a set of textbooks for teaching young children Hebrew
my very own set of Rummikub (yay!)
and more.
The best is the pillow below. You might recognize the picture - it was on our blog in January. :)
Monday, August 6, 2007
Everyone's cute when sleeping!
I was being boring and sitting on the couch reading email. The cats plopped down in the chair next to me so I could pet them. Then they crashed in the heat.
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Of friendships and salad
One, I got a phone call from Rebecca, my co-rabbinic student from Jerusalem who’s studying in LA. She was at a Temple Israel event! I talked to her, Rabbi Moskowitz, my mom, Chana, and felt SOOO much better afterwards, I can’t even tell you.
Two, Jonathan and I went to dinner tonight with one of his coworkers and his wife. They took us to a quaint little area with shops and restaurants, and then we browsed around. I feel like I got to know the city a bit more, as well as making new friends.
In other news, this week I met with the educator at the temple I’ll be working at, and I’m now sufficiently intimidated. I’ll be teaching 3rd grade on Sundays, about the 10 Commandments and prophets. On Tuesdays I’ll teach 4th/5th grade Hebrew. She wants regular lesson plans a week ahead of time, for both classes… yikes! I’m going to have to get a bit more organized.
Our duplex is now fully set up, and this past Friday was the first time in the history of my and Jonathan’s marriage that we got to have a full-on Shabbat with all the Jewish trappings. As in, I pulled out the white tablecloth we got at our wedding, covered the challah with the challah cover, laid out the kiddish cup and candlesticks, and actually
(Okay, so to be totally completely honest, I prepared a salad for myself, and heated up frozen samosas with some rice and curry/chicken tikka masala leftovers for him, but it still worked.)
As you know I’m a big Israeli salad fan, but I went out on a limb and managed to recreate my favorite one that I ate in Greece:
I was able to make it so easily because of my new joy of a cutting board. It has this wire mesh basket on one end, so you can scrape cuttings to the basket and they don’t fall in the sink. It’s also a great space saver, because you chop over the sink itself and still have room on the counters to do other things.
Oh yes, and one more thing. Perhaps one of the contributing factors to my depression was the overwhelming heat.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Apartment pictures
For like 50 more photos of the entire house in insane detail, you can go here:
Pictures of the apartment.
(mainly this link is for Savta and my parents, but anyone else who's interested in the contents of our display cabinets, enjoy)