A couple of weeks ago I wrote an email to the woman who schedules classes at HUC, asking that all my classes in spring be on the first floor. The classroom building has no handicapped access to the second floor, and it's getting harder and harder to lug my backpack up the stairs.
Today she sent out the schedule to everyone, complete with rooms. And YAY! She granted my request. :)
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Mom helped me organize the basement this morning. Why is it that I can never seem to do these chores without help? Or at the very least company. But now I have a whole bin organized with "baby toys," I dug out the monitor, the wraps, etc and put them all in one place. It was frightening to realize that after finals I have one week break, then I go right into spring semester... which will end prematurely for me with a new baby. If I'm gonna do all this stuff before he's born, I better start now!
(Oh, and apropos of nothing, here's a random pic of Xander last month that I forgot to post. We call it his "New York attitude look.")
(Oh, and apropos of nothing, here's a random pic of Xander last month that I forgot to post. We call it his "New York attitude look.")

Saturday, November 27, 2010
Turkey Day!
Mom and Lynn came in for Thanksgiving, and it was wonderful. Jan didn't want to cook at all, and Jonathan wanted a full-blown feast, so we compromised: turkey from Honey Baked Ham, but scalloped potatoes, sweet potatoes, stuffing, salad, corn, rolls, and the rest of the works. Yummm.
Xander is enthralled with his Bubby, like always, and she can't go anywhere without him tagging along. Which, I'm pretty sure, is 110% fine with her. :)
Best of all, Mom asked me what I wanted for a Hanukkah present, and I told her (for the first time ever in my life): clothes. So we went to Motherhood Maternity, and I'm now all decked out for winter!
Xander is enthralled with his Bubby, like always, and she can't go anywhere without him tagging along. Which, I'm pretty sure, is 110% fine with her. :)
Best of all, Mom asked me what I wanted for a Hanukkah present, and I told her (for the first time ever in my life): clothes. So we went to Motherhood Maternity, and I'm now all decked out for winter!
Monday, November 22, 2010
I'm easily amused
When looking over my typed notes for one of my classes, I kept seeing the word "non-demon." Non-demon? What in the world does that have to do with anything? I'm currently reading a book on demonology in ancient Greece, but it has nothing to do with my Leadership and Management essay.
Then I realized: I take notes in Microsoft Word. I must have been typing in "non-denom" for "non-denominational" -- and Word got confused and tried to autocorrect. I love these kind of mistakes!
Then I realized: I take notes in Microsoft Word. I must have been typing in "non-denom" for "non-denominational" -- and Word got confused and tried to autocorrect. I love these kind of mistakes!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Harry Potter Hanukkah!
Jonathan and I had had tentative plans to go to the midnight showing of HP7. That evening, I came home zonked, and was waffling on whether we should go or not. Jonathan asked me, "Are you in a good mood?" "Sure," I said, "just tired." I was half-suspecting he was going to give me bad news. But instead, he started to fidget and told me that he wanted to give me my Hanukkah present early. "Timing is important," he proclaimed.
And lo and behold, it was! A box appeared in front of my eyes, and as Xander and I opened it, I started to squee like a schoolgirl. I don't have many obsessions, but I'm very serious about the ones I do have. And THIS... this is amazing!
I already had Hermione's wand from a previous birthday, but the sweater and tie are new. (They're in Gryffindor colors, for the uninitiated. And yes, my hair is bushier than usual as per Hermione.)
The ultimate in glory: Jonathan and Holly colluded to MAKE ME A CAPE!! Jonathan found the pattern and the patch, and then Holly worked with him to pick out the fabric. They sent swatches through the mail, and emailed and messaged each other for over six weeks. I had no clue. I'd like to think that they're just especially sneaky, and not that I'm obtuse!
Not only did Holly sew in the patch, a fabulous hood, and a clasp, but there's a wand pocket!!!!
The scarf makes it a complete wintry Hogwarts outfit.
Ready to go out and conquer the premiere. I won't give anyone spoilers, but suffice it to say it was a great movie, and I'm really looking forward to the next one. And not to brag or anything, but while a lot of people had on different school ties or scarves, I was definitely the best-dressed overall. :)
And lo and behold, it was! A box appeared in front of my eyes, and as Xander and I opened it, I started to squee like a schoolgirl. I don't have many obsessions, but I'm very serious about the ones I do have. And THIS... this is amazing!

Of course, I couldn't be the only Gryffindor in the family....

Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010
My childhood, revisited
My mother used to tell me the story of how once when I was two years old, I refused to wear any of the clothes she wanted to put on me. After coaxing and cajoling, she finally gave up and held me in front of the closet so I could pick my own outfit.
27 years later, the cycle is repeated. This morning Xander refused to wear ANY of the clothes I suggested. So what did I do? I picked him up and held him in front of the closet. He immediately pointed to a shirt, said THIS very loudly and distinctly, then grabbed it from my hands and was quite happy to change out of his pajamas.
I think it's cosmic payback.
Also? In school news, the HUC book sale was today. I got 25 books for a dollar each. Score! AND my secret source on the LA campus is keeping an eye out for me too, so I'm hoping there will be even more books in my future.
27 years later, the cycle is repeated. This morning Xander refused to wear ANY of the clothes I suggested. So what did I do? I picked him up and held him in front of the closet. He immediately pointed to a shirt, said THIS very loudly and distinctly, then grabbed it from my hands and was quite happy to change out of his pajamas.
I think it's cosmic payback.
Also? In school news, the HUC book sale was today. I got 25 books for a dollar each. Score! AND my secret source on the LA campus is keeping an eye out for me too, so I'm hoping there will be even more books in my future.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Another tidbit from my student pulpit
My pulpit itself is awesome. The drive over there? Always fodder for amusement.
On Friday I bought challah in Cincinnati to bring with me. Unfortunately, I forgot it on the kitchen counter when I left. In a burst of optimism, I stopped at a Kroger's on the way to see if they had any.
Not seeing any loaves on the stand, I asked the very nice lady behind the bakery counter if they had any left. She looked confused. "Challah. A braided egg bread, for Fridays," I explained helpfully. She nodded, then looked at me curiously. "It's Jewish," I added. She peered at me from the front of her glasses, disdainfully. "HONEY," she said slowly, patronizingly, "of course we don't have any. That's a seasonal item. It only comes out around Easter."
I honestly, genuinely, didn't know what to say back.
On Friday I bought challah in Cincinnati to bring with me. Unfortunately, I forgot it on the kitchen counter when I left. In a burst of optimism, I stopped at a Kroger's on the way to see if they had any.
Not seeing any loaves on the stand, I asked the very nice lady behind the bakery counter if they had any left. She looked confused. "Challah. A braided egg bread, for Fridays," I explained helpfully. She nodded, then looked at me curiously. "It's Jewish," I added. She peered at me from the front of her glasses, disdainfully. "HONEY," she said slowly, patronizingly, "of course we don't have any. That's a seasonal item. It only comes out around Easter."
I honestly, genuinely, didn't know what to say back.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Squiggle is a BOY!

Thanks be to Jonathan for the computer circling. Otherwise I'd have no idea what I was looking at.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Seattle trip by Jonathan
For those who don't know, an old friend flew me out to Seattle as we haven't seen each other for more than 5 years. So I'm hanging with Ania and Chad all day and they have been showing me a great time here in Seattle. I thought I would post a few pictures to highlight some of the things I have been seeing and doing.

Xander, this Firetruck is for you!

The first Starbucks ever with original decor.
Left to right: Me, Ania and Chad. We're at the Pike public Market. It's like the shook in Israel.
Space needle near the Sci Fi Museum
The police car from Blade Runner
They had a special Battlestar Galactica exhibit when I went... OH YEAH, BSG!
This is the Viper MK VII (Apollo's fighter)
Me deciding defense tactics on the BSG tactical map.
Me talking to Michal and Xander while at the museum. Notice my smile. :)
Oh, and Eric Olds, I got LOTS of shots of the uniforms and pistol that I will send to you.
A Street musician at the market. I have forgotten what is like to live in a place that is flourishing with artists.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Sleepless in Seattle
Well, that's not really fair. Jonathan's in Seattle, but Xander and I have been sleeping relatively well. Angela is no longer working for us (long story), so Jonathan and I are splitting childcare for the next few months. I didn't go to the library yesterday (Friday is usually my workday), so the kidlet and I have spent two full days together now. But I have to say, without a friends network around, this is hard! We went to Tot Shabbat at temple and made our own tzedakah boxes, went to the Children's Museum, played music and danced, went to story time at a local bookstore, did errands... and now I'm beat and he's wired. So I've given up for the evening. Sesame Street and Elmo, how I love you.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Halloween and birthday party pics
For Halloween this year, Xander was a lion (the costume from last year still fit, so why not?). The best part about the night was that Yasha and Eden were over so we all went trick-or-treating together. Their parents, who are European, had never actually "done" Halloween before, so it was really funny to see their reactions. Our block goes all out - there were probably near a hundred kids out, half the lawns were covered with decorations, spooky music was playing from every other house and there were at least four fog machines. The kids (and the adults) were all in awe.
The day before had been Yasha's birthday! The party was at a place that boasted a real live fire truck, and there were wonderful other kid amusements as well. The pictures speak for themselves.
The day before had been Yasha's birthday! The party was at a place that boasted a real live fire truck, and there were wonderful other kid amusements as well. The pictures speak for themselves.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Funny tidbit
Maura and I carpool to school. As we get out of the car this morning, about to head our respective ways, we take a good look at each other: Maura's dressed to the nines with makeup, nicely coiffed hair, great matching outfit, cute shoes and matching purse. My hair is a mess and I'm dressed in an old t-shirt with yoga pants, a brown skirt over the pants, and a hoodie for optimum comfy-ness.
"Why do you think we're such good friends?" Maura asks. I shrug in reply.
"Because we have NOTHING in common!"
"Why do you think we're such good friends?" Maura asks. I shrug in reply.
"Because we have NOTHING in common!"
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